March 20th, 2017: Sun in Aries

On Monday March 20th, the Sun moved into Aries: thus restarting the zodiac cycle. Cardinal signs always mark the start of a new season, with Aries ushering in Spring. This is a period of new beginnings and changes (a symbolic planting of seeds, if you will). We may be brimming with new ideas to help…

Feb. 3rd-April 2nd: Venus in Aries ; Venus in Aries Rx

On Saturday March 4th, Venus in Aries drifted into a retrograde phase. In Aries, Venus is energetic, free and strong-willed. This Fire sign encourages us to be bold, dynamic and spontaneous in our love partnerships. The thrill of the hunt invigorates the Ram: influencing us to be fearless with our crushes/lovers/spouses. If you are interested…

February 25th: Mercury in Pisces

On February 25th, Mercury entered Pisces. Since Mercury governs the realm of intellect, learning, communication and short commutes, this astral change brings introspective, receptive and compassionate energy to our interactions. Water signs tend to be empathetic and intuitive. The hard logic astrologers ascribe to Mercury washes away into subjectivity and hypersensitivity under Pisces. There’s a…

February 18th: Sun in Pisces

Happy March !! On Saturday February 18th, the Sun rolled into Pisces. This transition marks the close of the zodiac year before resetting in Cardinal Aries next month. Since the Sun deals with our “true cores”  and psyche, under this transit, we all redirect our consciousness towards the “hidden parts” of ourselves and the ethereal qualities of…