Venus in Pisces: February 25th

On Monday February 25th, Venus will leave reserved Aquarius to enter dreamy Pisces. As the planet governing matters of the heart, Venus in Pisces will influence drastic changes in the way we approach love over the next few weeks. Now, when Venus transited Capricorn and soon after Aquarius, we were very reserved with the expression…

February 23rd: Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have entered the shadow realm forMercury Rx with the actual retrograde period beginning on February 23rd. In astrology, Mercury rules reasoning, communication and social interactions with others. Mercury in our natal chart reveals the preferred method of communication for each individual; but Mercury’s position in our daily charts reveals, more than…

February 18th 2013: Sun in Pisces

Happy birthday Pisces ! On February 18th, The Sun will exit free spirited Aquarius to slip into imaginative Pisces. This is a wonderful time to find ways to express ourselves creatively and honestly to others. While Aquarius [governed by eclectic Uranus] thrives on camaraderie and establishing solid platonic ties, Pisces [governed by Neptune], is driven…

The Piscean Triad

  As of Tuesday February 5th, we will have threemajor astrological bodies in Pisces! Bring on the waterworks ! Whew ! Until we all get used to the energy adjustment, this first week may be emotionally chaotic if we don’t watch ourselves. Positively, however, this week may force many of us to slow down and evaluate…

February 1st, 2013: Mars in Pisces

After a few weeks of hovering in impersonal Aquarius, Mars is now transitioning to the constellation of dreamy Pisces on February 1st. Remember, Mars is the planet of action and drive. Whichever sign Mars is positioned in will reveal how we expression our ambitious side. Mars also manages the sexual energy within all of us.…