Mercury Transitions Into Virgo: August 31st, 2012

Mercury Goes Home To Virgo…Finally! On August 31st, Mercury [ruler of communication and intellect] will transition into Virgo. Mercury is comfortable in both Virgo and Gemini, as it is their home (or ruling) planet. Whenever a planet moves into another constellation, it affects all of us! This happens regardless of what our sign is. Now…

A Blue Moon: Friday August 31st, 2012

A Blue Moon in Pisces August 31 On Friday August 31, 2012, a rare astronomical event will occur. Now of course, the moon won’t actually be “blue” but because a full moon twice in one month only happens “once in a blue moon”, the moniker stuck. The last time we had a blue moon was…


Ever pigged out on ice cream during a break-up? Stuffed your stomach full of beer and burgers after a stressful day at work? You just may be a comfort eater: someone who reaches for food in an attempt to “make them feel better” emotionally. Research in recent years has revealed that the majority of the time when…

Save Money! Start Yoga

In recent decades, Americans have become dependent upon pills. Got a migraine? Pop a pill. Backache? Pop a pill. Stressed out? Pop a pill. Very few people in pain consider alternative forms of medicine because prescription pills provide an immediate and potent result. Well, it’s time to change that! Director Adam Silman and his colleagues…

Crazy Cramps?

Bloating? Fatigue? Irritation? Cramps? Fight back….without Midol! Theres really no necessity to explain the purpose of the cycle but as of late , a lot of my friends have been asking for advice about reducing symptoms of their cycles. In recent years, my cycles have gone from 7-8 days to a maximum of 4 days.…

Weekly Forecast August 20th-24th, 2012

Big things are happening in the sky this week! Here are a few key things to look out for. MONDAY AUGUST 20TH: *The moon leaves industrious Virgo and transitions into graceful Libra. Whenever the moon is positioned in the constellation of Libra, we tend to focus less on practical matters and more on social interactions.…

Compatibility Chart

I created the chart below (and subsequent key) to help people understand how the signs interact with one another. Most traditional astrology websites only compare two Sun signs together. However, there are a whole host of other factors that contribute to how a relationship can turn out. You can utilize the chart to check and…

Mars: The Planet of Passion and Drive

Mars: The Planet of Passion and Drive In Greek mythology, Ares was the god of War and is associated with Mars. This planet is connected to how we chase our goals and how we take risks (libido). The sign your Mars falls in determines what your “get it done” energy consists of. This planet has…

Venus: The Planet of Romance and Finance

Venus: The Planet of Romance and Finances Venus is personified by the Greek goddess Aphrodite.  This planet’s persona oozes sensuality and seduction. Venus rules what we value in relationships and how we employ those values in our romantic relationships. Do we prefer to chase and conquer (Like a Venus in Sagittarius?) or court and tease…