May 1st 2013: Mercury into Taurus

  Mercury leaves quick thinking Aries to settle into Taurus on Wednesday May 1st and will stay there until May 15th. In this position, Mercury encourages practicality and realism when intermingling with others. Aries enjoys tackling challenges and taking on leadership roles: any position we can take that provides us some level of control worked…

April 25th, 2013: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

On Thursday April 25th, the Moon will enter Scorpio and we will experience the first Lunar Eclipse of 2013. In astrology, a Lunar Eclipse is very similar to the Full Moon, but its effects are more potent—-and a bit more lasting. A Lunar Eclipse emboldens us to create balance between the traits associated with the…

April 20th, 2013: Mars in Taurus

  On April 20th, Mars will leave Aries and transitEarth sign Taurus. Astrologers consider Mars the planet of passion and drive. Mars looks at what motivates us in life and how we express those ambitions to others around us. The constellation (sign) that Mars is positioned in can reveal our methods of overcoming obstacles in…

April 19th, 2013: Sun in Taurus

On Friday April 19th, the Sun will leave bold Aries and settle into steady Taurus for the next four weeks. Under Aries, we craved boldness, excitement and spontaneity. Aries is an unpredictable sign and that may have manifested in our behaviors. Perhaps you randomly changed your hair or physical appearance, relocated, took an impromptu short…

April 15th, 2013: Venus in Taurus

  Venus will leave Aries to transition into Taurus on April 15th. As a Cardinal and Fire sign, Aries had no problem taking our romantic lives by the reins to get us what we wanted. Our attention may not have been on one partner/love interest but on several….simultaneously [yes, very spicy!]. With Venus in Aries,…

April 13th, 2013: Mercury in Aries

On Saturday April 15th, the planet of communication, reasoning, electronics and transportation will be making its way into optimistic and enthusiastic Aries. When in Pisces, Mercury encouraged us to employ our intuitive. Conversations with others—-especially those closest to us—were influenced by emotional triggers (both good and bad).  We may have overreacted when hurt or angered;…

April 12th: Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

  On April 12th, the planet Pluto begins its retrograde cycle until September 20th, 2013. In astrology, Pluto governs death, destruction, rebirth, regeneration, and transformation. Pluto looks at all the things in our life that is outdated, outworn, unnecessary or burdensome and provides us with the opportunity to eliminate what isn’t beneficial in order for…